I made some simple Bandanna Dresses for the girls. They were super easy to make, very inexpensive, and perfect for the Summer!

Materials needed:
2 Bandannas (at least 20" square - I got mine from Wal-mart, $1 each!!)
Matching Thread
Elastic (mine was 3/4")
Measuring Tape
Coordinating Fabric or Ribbon
Safety Pins
Sewing Machine

Pin the two bandannas wrong sides together. This sounds easy, but it could be the most difficult part of the whole project because most of the time the bandannas are not the same size. So play around with it and fudge a little if needed. And yes, I said wrong sides together! I know that sounds backwards but ever since I learned to do "French Seams" I think I have to do them on everything! It makes for a nicer finish!

Sew down the two sides of the dress with a straight stitch, getting as close to the edge as possible! Don't forget to back stitch at the beginning and the end. That will reinforce your seams!

Iron the seams open. Then turn inside out and iron again. This will give you a smooth edge. Pin along down the inside of the seam you just sewed and ironed.

Then sew down the sides of the dress again (this time wrong side out). This will enclose your seam! NEAT!!!!
Now both sides of your dress should be completely sewn.

Next is the top! You want to sew a hem around the top of your dress that is 1/4"+ wider than your elastic. My elastic is 3/4" wide so my hem will be 1"+. That way my elastic will go in flat!

Sew all the way around the top of the dress, leaving a 2" to 3" opening to put in your elastic.

Take a chest measurement of your little one! Cut a piece of elastic 1 1/2" longer than your measurement. Attach a safety pin to the end of your elastic and thread it through the opening.

Once your have it all the way around, pin the two ends together securely with the safety pin. Then test it out on your little girl! Adjust as needed! This is also a good time to figure out where to put the straps, so go ahead and put safety pins where they should go in the front.

Securely sew the elastic together. I just sew forward and back making a zigzag! It doesn't have to be pretty - just secure! Now sew the opening closed and adjust the dress around the elastic.

Now for the straps and the loop! I used a 1 1/2" Grosgrain ribbon, but you could use a coordinating fabric to make the straps. Cut 3 1/2" to 4" piece of ribbon (burn the ends with a lighter so it won't fray) and make a loop. Sew to the inside, center of the back of the dress. I used a straight stitch (back stitching to reinforce) right across the elastic. Then stitched again just below (see photo above). For the straps, cut two pieces of ribbon (measure your child to see how long you need them - better too long than too short!). Burn the ends again. Sew the same way you did the loop, to the the inside front of the dress where you have marked with the safety pins.
Now you're DONE!!!!

Materials needed:
2 Bandannas (at least 20" square - I got mine from Wal-mart, $1 each!!)
Matching Thread
Elastic (mine was 3/4")
Measuring Tape
Coordinating Fabric or Ribbon
Safety Pins
Sewing Machine
Pin the two bandannas wrong sides together. This sounds easy, but it could be the most difficult part of the whole project because most of the time the bandannas are not the same size. So play around with it and fudge a little if needed. And yes, I said wrong sides together! I know that sounds backwards but ever since I learned to do "French Seams" I think I have to do them on everything! It makes for a nicer finish!
Sew down the two sides of the dress with a straight stitch, getting as close to the edge as possible! Don't forget to back stitch at the beginning and the end. That will reinforce your seams!
Iron the seams open. Then turn inside out and iron again. This will give you a smooth edge. Pin along down the inside of the seam you just sewed and ironed.
Then sew down the sides of the dress again (this time wrong side out). This will enclose your seam! NEAT!!!!
Now both sides of your dress should be completely sewn.
Next is the top! You want to sew a hem around the top of your dress that is 1/4"+ wider than your elastic. My elastic is 3/4" wide so my hem will be 1"+. That way my elastic will go in flat!
Sew all the way around the top of the dress, leaving a 2" to 3" opening to put in your elastic.
Take a chest measurement of your little one! Cut a piece of elastic 1 1/2" longer than your measurement. Attach a safety pin to the end of your elastic and thread it through the opening.
Once your have it all the way around, pin the two ends together securely with the safety pin. Then test it out on your little girl! Adjust as needed! This is also a good time to figure out where to put the straps, so go ahead and put safety pins where they should go in the front.
Securely sew the elastic together. I just sew forward and back making a zigzag! It doesn't have to be pretty - just secure! Now sew the opening closed and adjust the dress around the elastic.
Now for the straps and the loop! I used a 1 1/2" Grosgrain ribbon, but you could use a coordinating fabric to make the straps. Cut 3 1/2" to 4" piece of ribbon (burn the ends with a lighter so it won't fray) and make a loop. Sew to the inside, center of the back of the dress. I used a straight stitch (back stitching to reinforce) right across the elastic. Then stitched again just below (see photo above). For the straps, cut two pieces of ribbon (measure your child to see how long you need them - better too long than too short!). Burn the ends again. Sew the same way you did the loop, to the the inside front of the dress where you have marked with the safety pins.
Now you're DONE!!!!